CUTLERY is an online presentation tool proof of concept. Think of Powerpoint but in VR. Since this project was connected to the EUt+ initiative, we were all given a partner university to create a fitting proof of concept for them. Since Cyprus is an island and features cultural heritage programs that could be interesting for anyone studying history, we throught that a virtual presentation tool for story tellers and eager learners that can be joined from anywhere. Thanks a lot to my professors and my team for making this all possible, it was a highly intense but very rewarding chapter of my life!

This is my final semester project for the expanded realities course before my bachelors degree! I think I besides VR mutliplayer and code structure I mostly learned how to work with my team in a healthy and respectful way, how to organize a team online and offline and not to structure a unity project for bigger projects :D
Please enjoy this silly little trailer* for our Byte Sized Learning solution!
*I created in a last-minute attempt in the middle of the night
This Greenlight Trailer was created before the production phase. The weeks before were dedicated to creating a solid concept that lead to a small prototype. This video should proof the technical feasability of our project idea. With most of the planned features working together flawlessly, we passed this presentation with ease! :)
We really did need to make this "elevator" pitch pun. We just had to!
This is one of our stages after we applied a "black and white" post processing effect during runtime using our "Slide Manager" event system. In this moment the speaker talked about how things were roughly a hundred years ago to ground the audience into the timeline.
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